A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

3some was created for the Linux Game Jam 2019. It's based on 3some JS, which I've written a few years ago.

I've made this game using LÖVE 11.2 on Linux. It should work fine with LÖVE 11.x on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. I've also tried it on Android, but at least on my tablet LÖVE seems to run not-so-stable and battery-unefficient.


There are 81 unique cards that differ by four criteria: number, color, shape and fill of the shown symbols. 15 cards are shown at the same time. Find out three of them in which each of the four criteria are either all the same or completely different. Such a matching set of three cards is called a "3some" (or threesome). If you found one, it will be removed and you get three new cards. This goes on until either all 81 cards are used or it is impossilbe to find another 3some.

If you are new to this game and have problems finding a matching 3some, the hint button helps you (for a small time penalty of course).


The game can be controlled completely with mouse. But as an alternative you can also use the keyboard:

  • F5 or n - start a new game
  • Esc or p - pause the game
  • F1 or h - get a hint for the next move
  • F8 or r - show the rules/help
  • Arrow keys - move the card marker
  • Return or Space - (de)select a card
  • F7 or s - (de)activate sound
  • F11 or f - toggle fullscreen
  • F9, i or a - about the game
  • F10x or q - quit the game



  • minor fixes and optimizations


  • performance update, mouse handler changes


  • fixed performance issues caused by the font handling
  • removed TTF fonts usage
  • fixed the window position, when switching from fullscreen to windowed mode


  • initial release

Legal info:

This game comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GPL v3.

To access the source code of the game, just unpack the file 3some.love with any ZIP compatible software.

The only external resource I use is Card Game sounds, Copyright © HaelDB.

The Linux Installer is uses MojoSetup, and the Windows setup uses InnoSetup.


3some-x86_64.AppImage 4.3 MB
3some-installer (32 & 64 bit) 8.8 MB
3some-win32-setup.exe 3.9 MB
3some-macos.zip 5.2 MB
3some.love 285 kB


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I love the presentation, but can't seem to understand the criteria of what constitutes a 3some. Going by the hints doesn't help, because it selects stuff that's not "everything matches or nothing does". Often it'll pick stuff with the same number, or two of the same number and shape, with one outlier, etc. 

Honestly, it's not clear to me what the game accepts as a valid set, which gets quickly frustrating. There's a good solitaire matching game in there, but I think the explanation needs a lot of work, better examples, or something.

Thank you for the feedback.

It can be a bit confusing, aggreed. So it counts seperately for each critereia, that it has to be all the same or completely different. For example, the cards can all have the purple color, all different number of symbols, the same shape and all different fillings. That would be a threesome.

The work on the game is not done yet. A tutorial of some might be a good idea.

I think I kind of get the idea, although the explanation still confuses me. But if I read this right, there are four criteria: Number, colour, shape and fill. 3somes have to have only one of those in common, the other three criteria must be different. So three square cards must have different colour, number and fill. Similarly three cards with two items on them must have different colour, fill and shape. Those are 3somes.

I don't know if I've encountered any where ALL criteria are different or the same, which is what the directions had me looking for. i.e., all four criteria match, or do not match.

It is possible that all 4 criteria are different. For example:
- 1 empty green circle
- 2 striped orange triangles
- 3 full purple rectangles
But those would be extremely hard to recognise. It's much easier, if at least one criteria is all the same:
- 1 empty green circle
- 2 striped orange circles
- 3 full purple circles

But they can not be all the same, simply because each card is unique.